Are Women Who Have Had Five or More Partners Promiscuous?
How many partners must a woman have had for men to consider her promiscuous?
Are women who have had five or more partners promiscuous? They are according to AskMen’s Great American Male Survey–an even lower threshold than last year.Remember how last year we were horrified when 41% of American men surveyed by AskMen said that women become sexually promiscuous after sleeping with 10 men — which at the time was the lowest possible option?
The results of the 2010 survey broke down like this:
At What Point Does A Woman Become Sexually Promiscuous?
Never? 14%
When she sleeps with her 10th partner? 41%
When she sleeps with her 20th partner? 34%
When she sleeps with her 50th partner? 14%
When she sleeps with her 100th partner? 3%
Well, this year, AskMen changed the survey, adding a lower option: When she sleeps with her 5th partner. And, would you believe it, given the lower option, the men surveyed voted that that was actually the tipping point into promiscuity.
Source: The Good Men Project
What a lot of tripe.
Question One: Who cares?
If you care then you have a problem, deal with it.
Question Two: How many women have you slept with? Does that make you a big man? Does that make you promiscuous?
Raises the age old problem, "a man who sleeps around is sowing his wild oats, while a woman is a slut."
Bloody puritans and their double standards!
Some women enjoy sex and why shouldn't they? Let them enjoy it, just the same as men enjoy sex.
It's hard to believe in this day and age that we still let the Bible into the bedroom.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, January 15, 2012
and is filed under
sexual partners,
sowing wild oats,
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